Saturday, August 18, 2012

Table Storage using Filing Crates

Over the summer I tried to think of ways to make my classroom less crowded.  I had tables with a desk at the end to hold my buckets and crates for the student notebooks.  I wanted to get rid of the desks at the end of each table in order to make more room. 

My mom came up with the idea of using zip ties to put 2 crates together under the tables for storage.  I love the idea because the crates are under the tables, separate the students a little, and are pretty sturdy.  I’m a very visual person so here are some pictures of how you can turn simple filing crates into storage / organization for your classroom.

I bought these crates for about $3.50 at Wal-Mart.  My mom already had zip ties, but I’m sure Wal-Mart has those too.

I put a zip tie in each corner of the crates and then snipped off the excess.

Next I use felt feet on the bottom of my crates. You could skip this step if you have carpet.  I don’t want the kids pulling the crates out from the tables, but I’m sure they will move around sometime so the felt feet will keep our newly waxed floor nice and shiny.

One side of the crate will be used for notebook storage and the other side for the pencil boxes.  I like this idea because sometimes when the students were at their desks they would play with their pencil boxes.  Now they will be safely stored in the crate (by my table captains) until they are needed.

I love this idea because my room already feels larger just by removing 5 desks.  I must admit my mom (once again) has made my classroom an even better place to be!

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