Monday, August 12, 2013

Where Are We? Signs

I'm getting really excited for this new year to start!  There is just something about the beginning of the year - filled with possibilities and nothing has beaten you down yet. 
Our school is going through a major shift:
new principal (and our assistant principal's first year was last year) and 13 new teachers!  That doesn't even count the grade switching of some teachers.  But I'm faces and new ideas make me happy. 
So to welcome some of the new teachers I got my craft on.  Here are some hallway signs I made.

I tried to match class themes if I could - safari, beach, camp, etc.  My personal sign is done with dogs - shocking, I know.

One of my teammates made the whole team matching 'Where are we?' signs as Christmas gifts a few years back. I stole the idea from her and started making these.  One of our school policies is to post where you are if you are not in the classroom.  This sign is easy to have as a classroom helper change as you leave.  Plus they are just so adorable.
Have fun getting ready for this upcoming year ~

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