Thursday, July 17, 2014

Questioning Lessons

Once a comprehension skill has been taught and modeled over and over and over until you are sick of it, then it is about time to move to the students trying the skill.  Remember with the gradual release of responsibility model - I do, we do, you do - it is a process.  This video shows the 'you do' part of that process.  The students were well acquainted with questioning and question words.  We had done several lessons where I stopped reading a text at various times and had them help me come up with questions (the we do part of GRR).  At this point I asked them to try the skill.  But I did not expect them to be experts.  Remember that this is a first try - be okay with approximations right now.  You will notice that not all of the questions were amazing.  But they all tried.

I noticed something that needed to be taught once I heard several of the questions student were asking.  So I took the time to teach a follow-up lesson that same day.  I made sure they had all been commended for trying the new skill.  Matt Glover (one of my teaching heroes) says that you look at students and find out where to nudge them next.  I love that idea - nudging, not shoving.  So my next step was to nudge them to questions that actually matter.  This video is my version of a small nudge.  Some kids will need small group lessons over and over, but some will only need this small nudge and they will be on the right track.  Just because the students are in the 'you do' part of the gradual release of responsibility model, it does not mean I do nothing.  As they begin the 'you do' part they often need guidance and 'nudges' along the way.

Remember to always be watching and listening to your students for what your next mini-lesson needs to be.  This last one was not in my lesson plans, but it needed to happen. 

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